
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

OH&S Management Systems: Keeping Your Organization Safe

Workplace injuries cost an organization over $60,000 on average. Serious injuries don’t just impact insurance claims, they can have a substantial impact on your operations. In addition to potential production shutdowns, there is a drop in productivity, retraining costs, and modifications to work routines that must be done. Prevention is therefore the cornerstone of any occupational health and safety strategy.


Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management Systems minimizes the risk of accidents, keeping you, your staff, and your customers, safe. A comprehensive strategy that conforms to recognized standards can both reduce absence due to injury, and lower insurance premiums, delivering direct, bottom-line benefits to any organization.

Strategies For The Environment helps clients develop effective workplace health and safety systems. From preliminary evaluations to performance audits, we help you implement systems that ensure safe work habits across your organization.

If you have been thinking about implementing an OH&S management system, give us a call to get started. With the changes to the criminal code in Canada, managers now have a legal duty to ensure worker safety. An OH&S management system, such as OHSAS 18001, can demonstrate that your organization had systems in place to guard against accidents and injuries.

Our OH&S Solutions

Our cost-effective solutions are highly specific to each client, ensuring you get the best possible value from our work. Some of our services include:

Basic Readiness: For companies just thinking about implementing a management system, our consulting engagement can cover Emergency Response Planning, and Spill Kit Inspection, and First Aid Readiness.

MSDS Management: With assistance from a professional chemical engineer on staff, Strategies For The Environment provides highly effective Material Safety Data Sheet managements solutions that keep you compliant with WHMIS legislation. See our downloadable MSDS Overview pdf for full details.

Gap Analysis: We can conduct gap analysis to both identify the areas requiring the most amount of attention to get ready for certification, and assess deficiencies in your management system against the OHSAS 18001 standard.

Awareness: Organizational commitment is critical to realizing the benefits of a OH&S management system. Let us design a training course specifically for your needs, and ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities under the standard. Our Training courses cover:

    • OHSAS 18001 Essentials (for all employees)
    • Job Safety Analysis
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Management Awareness
    • Accredited Courses for Internal Auditors

Emergency Response Plans: Our Emergency Response Planning services provide customized auditing, planning, and training solutions for your company’s emergency management needs. We will assist you in developing emergency response plans, updates, incident debriefs, or other processes upon request.

Implementation: Our unique approach lets you take advantage of our Consulting expertise when and where you need it most. Whether you need consulting from beginning to end, or in selected stages, we help you implement a OH&S management system effectively.

Integration: Already have an Environmental or Quality management system in place? We can help you integrate the OHSAS 18001 component into your existing systems.

Auditing: Whether you need Compliance, Internal, or Performance audit help, we can meet your needs. We can quickly assess the effectiveness of your management system and keep you in compliance with existing regulations.

What are Occupational Health and Safety Standards?

OHSAS 18001 is the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification published by the British Standards Institute. It is the most widely implemented standard around the globe. It can also be integrated into your existing management systems such as ISO 9000 (for Quality Management), and ISO 14001 (for Environmental Management).

In Ontario, the WSIB recognizes the benefits of OHSAS certification, and is developing an accreditation process which can directly reduce an organization’s insurance costs. A number of other Canadian provinces, and some states in the United States, have similar programs in place.

The Canadian Safety Association has developed the CSA Z1000 along similar lines to OHSAS, and the American National Safety Institute certifies organizations with their Z10 standards.

Questions?  Get answers, as well as schedule and pricing information here!