
Toxic Reduction Act Planning

Ontario has taken a step ahead towards improving the welfare of its citizens.  The Toxic Reduction Act came into effect on January 1, 2010.  This regulation is a means for encouraging manufacturers to be socially responsible and thereby shaping a better future for the public.

The Ministry of Environment has put focus on the following:

  • Managing and reducing the use and creation of toxic substances in order to protect the environment and human health
  • Providing information about toxins in communities
  • Helping ensure that Ontario is well-positioned to compete in the emerging green global economy


  • Do you report a substance to the NPRI or Acetone to the O.Reg. 127?
  • Are you a manufacturing or mineral processing facility (NACE sectors: 31, 32, 33 and 212)?

If your answer is yes to both of the questions, you are required to prepare a Toxic Reduction Plan.


Phase 1 Plans – December 31 2018 –  Your facility will conduct its first review during this year and prepare a new version of its plan by this date. Keep the new version of the plan on-site at your facility. Provide an updated plan summary to the public on the Internet and to the Ministry by this date. Notify your employees when the updated plan summary is made public.

Phase 2 Plans – December 31 2013 –  Your facility will conduct its first review during this year and prepare a new version of its plan by this date. All plans that are required to be prepared between 2012 and 2017 must be reviewed by this date. Keep the new version of the plan on-site at your facility. Provide an updated plan summary to the public on the Internet and to the Ministry by this date. Notify your employees when the updated plan summary is made public.

Phases 1 and 2 are only applicable to the development of the initial plans.

**Phase 1 plans are related to a list of 47 priority toxic substances.

**Phase 2 – are all of the remaining plans.


We have certified planners and experienced management consultants with pollution prevention experience, who could help you in any stage in the process

  • Support to prepare the plan
  • Provide consultation to improve your plan
  • Verification of the plan
  • Certifying the plan

The Plan has to be maintained on site for presentation to the Ministry of Environment when requested.  A summary of the plan is required to be reported publicly

Questions?  Get answers, as well as schedule and pricing information here!


Interesting Links:


Client Plan Summaries: